Thursday 22 October 2015

Audience and marketing strategies (Terries)

What are the standard demographics used within the media/marketing industry? 
There are a few vital demographics we use when dealing with our audiences in the media marketing industry. These are: Social class, age, gender, ethnicity and location.
Social class is broke up into different categories, A B C C1 C2 D and E depending on your other demographics (age, gender etc) depends on what category you will fall into. We also look at the house, whether they are a house wife/husband (someone that is in control of the money), Adult, Man, Woman or child as well. The way we figure out which one they fall into depends on there age again.


Reach and Frequency: Reach is the number, shown as a percentage, of persons/homes that you want your product to be exposed to. The frequency is the amount of times, on average, that you want the same house hold to be exposed to your advert.

Viewing figures: The amount of people that tune into watch a television programme, films etc.

Box Office: Something that is used to define a commercial success of a film, tv programme terms of the audience or how much money that it made.

Circulation: The number or copies of adverts, magazine etc. sold to the public either direct or through emails or through other channels.

Sales Figures: The total average amount of money made from the companies product.

How are the audiences of the following list measured?

How are the audiences of the following list measured?

TV: Many households are chosen to be on the barb panel to then represent an overall average of house in the uk. Once chosen on the barb panel, the media will set up to sets with a metre into each of the homes then each person in the house (over the age of four) have to press a button on the remote to indicate they have entered the room when the tv is on and then press it again when they leave the room to indicate they they are no longer watching the tv. There is an audio matching process as well which helps them tone able to know what programs people are watching.

Film: In the early days, one way to measure film audiences would be to take note of the amount of tickets that have been sold for that film and this is still used sometimes today. When measuring film, the cinema is always a good place to start and then interviewing people afterwards as well also helps.

Magazines: One way to measure magazine audiences is by collecting the sales figures, the number of magazines sold. They are also measured by using The NZ audit bureau of circulations, this offers magazine publishers figures against those of their competitors which
they pay for which show how many copies of a publication are circulating. They will then get people to fill in a survey to find out what type of magazines they read and how manny of those magazines that people do read. Some questions may be where do you read magazines? Or what type of magazines are these?

Newspapers: There are two ways to measure newspaper audiences. One is by circulation and the other is by readership. Circulation is by how many sales then newspaper has made and the readership is usually done by servers and questionnaires. The time period for these is usually about 3 months in which you would measure the amount of audiences this newspaper may or may not have.

Posters: One way to measure how many people see these type of advertising, is by putting sensors on the bigger billboard and using the eye to eye contact. Another way is being able to pin point where abouts the poster is located and measure how many people walk or drive past that area on average every day and then work out on average how many people will then see that poster when they walk or drive past it.

Books: By seeing how many books have been sold off of the shelves in shops is one way to measure the audiences, you could also measure the audience by seeing how many of the book has been borrowed from the library etc.

Social media: Surveys is one of the ways people can measure he audiences of Facebook, Twitter etc. By asking how many times you use a social media website a day can really help or even if they do use them. Another way is by counting how many posts and shares and status etc are made a day/month/year. This is a very lengthy method and cannot always eg accurate but it does work.

Choose a media product.

Choose a media product:

My chosen product is Netflix. Netflix was founded in 1997 by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings. Reed Hastings is the CEO of Netflix.
Netflix has a wide variety of shows and films etc and is therefore targeted at all different ages. However, when advertising Netflix they do show a lot of younger style shows on the adverts which therefore entice the younger generation in.
There are many ways in which Netflix promotes itself. One way is by allowing its customers to have a one months free trial first to entice them in. They also give people the opportunity to have the website to be used in more than one tablet by only a small extra price each month.

Websites I used:

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