Friday 4 December 2015


These are the two logos in which I created to choose one from. I decided to choose the second one as it's creative and I like both of the colours together. I done this on Illustrator by copying the shape and rotating it by holding command D to create this.

Final DVD Cover.

This is my final DVD Case for the film "The Devil Wears Prada." For the front of the DVD case, I decided to use a technique which I learnt from "tuts-plus" where I used indesign to basically place my pictures inside the text. I decided that putting the pictures inside the text would be a more creative and exciting way of presenting which actresses are in the movie instead of just putting the pictures of them on the front. I have also included the age rating which is a 12+, my company logo, the fact that its the 10 anniversary re-release and the actresses names as well. I have kept the background and they layout of this similar to the poster so you are able to see the link and also the colour red brings the whole idea of the devil again.The back cover of my DVD cover, includes an outline of Merly Streep covered in flames. I done this in Photoshop and I used a trial from tutsplus again to help me, I basically put an image inside an image by working with my layers and using effects such as hue/saturation and artistic effects to create this image. I made her like this to again re-reinforce the idea that she is the devil but yet full of fire and soul deep down.I managed to wrap the text around the picture of Merry by using the text wrapping tool to make it look professional and then I added a famous quote from the film at the top of the back to make it more enticing for the audience. Finally, I have the bar code and the studio maker of the film on the cover as these are very important and also helps to make it professional.The thing I like most about this poster is the title as it's very creative and I think that it makes a statement. If I was to create this case again, I would add more to the back cover to make it look more interesting and professional.
This is the original Blue-Ray DVD for "The Devil Wears Prada." I like how although this is quite plain, the shoe being so big and the work "Devil" being so big makes this front cover very enticing and exciting. I like how all of the actresses are named on the front and have their pictures on the front as well.

I experimented with colours for the front cover first of all and although I liked the white one, I decided the red one would be more relevant and more exciting.


I used my research of different minimalistic posters for inspiration for my own poster, which is demonstrated here in all of these posters. I have decided to stick with two colours on all of them to show the black and white world of Miranda Priestly and to also stick with the simple theme which the minimalistic posters show. I used Adobe Illustrator to create these posters as I love working with the programme and find it easy to deal with the layers and the tools on Adobe illustrator.

This is my final poster which i have chosen to showcase the anniversary of "The Devil Wears Prada". I have chosen to use the colour red to represent the devil side of the film and the almost sinister side of being in the fashion industry and i have used the colour white to represent the hope side of the film where although things seem bad, at one point they will get better (Which the film shows when Andy finally leaves Miranda and is happy again). I decided to put the title of the film right at the top of the page so that people will know what the film is and so it stands out, I have put the logo of my company up the top for the same reason.
I chose the devils pitchfork to be my main image to link with the devil part of the title, also on the original poster/dvd cover is a picture of a shoe with the pitchfork as the heel so I used that for inspiration. I then hung the shoe, bag and skirt off of the pitchfork to represent that people in the fashion industry are like puppets and are hung from other people who control them, just like Andy is by Miranda in the devil wears Prada.
My target audience for this poster should be fairly obvious. It has a picture of a shoe, a handbag and a skirt on it, all things that a women loves.
This is my favourite poster design because I love what the objects hanging from the pitchfork represent, I think it gives the film a whole new shed of light. However if I was to do this poser again, I would tidy my pitchfork up a bit and maybe make my logo a little bit smaller.

For these two poster designs, I decided to use the original designs as inspiration again but instead of using the pitchfork for the heel I decided to use the devils tale so that it linked more with the title and was more recognisable for the audience. I originally went for the black and white theme again to represent evil but hope as well but then thought I'd try the black and red theme to show that not everyone can find that hope and their lives are quite dark just like Miranda is with her life.
I decided to put the actresses names at the top of the poster this time as although the title of the film is important, because the actresses in the film are quite well know it would entice people into the poster and then hopefully the film as well. Again, i have put my logo of my company next to the title as it is important for people to see both.
These two posters are a close second to my favourite one, the red and white in particular. I like how well the tail comes from the shoe and flows but if I was to do it again I would possibly make the shoe a little smaller so that the names of the actresses and the title of the film get a little more focus as well.

I used my posters above this one for the inspiration when creating this poster, I thought I'd try a handbag instead of a shoe to completely separate it from the original poster for "The Devil Wears Prada". For this one I decided to use three colours so you could properly see the handbag handle, which is a devils tale again to link in with the title of the film. This is my least favourite poster because it is a bit to plain, so if I was to do it again I would tidy it up and add some more bits like the actresses names and maybe put a design on the handbag.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Original and Re-Releases.

These two posters are the posters for the film Jaws, the left is the original poster and the right is the re-release poster. Although they both look very similar, the second poster shows quite a few differences. For example, the sky in the right poster has now got more of a realistic view to it with the clouds and the sunset which means that the film itself should have better pixels etc and will be more realistic which is exciting for the audience.
The shark in the second poster also looks more realistic as it has clearly used a computer programme that's well updated to make to shark look more frightening, whereas the original poster looks as if the shark has just been drawn on with a pencil.
The colours on the poster even have a different effect to them. They are much more stern and bright, attracting the audience to the poster and making them more excited to watch the film itself.
An important thing to take note of on this poster is that it has the title "40th" Anniversary release" clearly on the poster and also has the re-release date on it which is important for the audience. 
The poster on the left is the original poster for the film ghostbusters and the one on the right is the 30th anniversary re-release poster for it. There isn't much difference between these two posters but in the right poster is does actually feature the actual ghostbusters themselves and of course the fact that it's the 30th anniversary is included on it. However, unlike other re-releases this film is just being shown again in cinemas for one week only as stated on the poster itself.

Monday 30 November 2015

The devil wears prada China.

This devil wears prada poster is one which was made for the release in china. The thing I like about this poster is that it is different to most of the other posters for this film. However, it does still include the devil's tale and the colour red to reinforce the devilish and evil side to the film.

Although this film poster is very eye catching, it would not be able to be used in all countries. For example, places like Syria and Egypt this poster wouldn't be allowed to be used as it would be deemed as to explicit.

The target audience for this poster would be women and men above the age of 18 as the poster is quite explicit and could be classed as quite sexual from the way the lady is standing and the fact that she has no clothes on.

Another way we can tell this film will call out to women is by the fact that the lady on the front is wearing heels. It's like if a film poster had a tie on it, this would call out to men as they are usually associated with suits and having high-paid jobs.

Friday 27 November 2015


This edit of Voldemort form harry potter really caught my eye. Although, it's just a drawing of his face the other side, it could possibly mean that he has two sides to him, that the other side is empty and lost as the drawing is not very detailed.

I also like this idea because it shows two different styles of pictures.  If i was to use this for the devil wears Prada, I would draw marble streets face to show her emptiness but i would only draw the last 2cm of her face (roughly) to show how strong she is by having the real picture as most her face.

The target audience for this poster would be females/males aged between 10 and 28. this would be because the audience for harry potter itself is anything from children to adults, however Voldemort is a dark character and was made to be hated by the viewers of harry potter so this would manly be aimed at adults the fact there is a drawn image as well as a picture image would also be a reason that this image is targeted for children as well as adults, the drawn image is not to complicated and will stand out for the younger generation.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Target Audiences.

What is an audience?
An audience is usually a group of people that watch/ listen to an event (a play, film, concert etc). An audience can also be people who you're attempting to sell something to as well.

Why are audiences important?
In terms of selling a product to an audience, it is very important that you have the correct audience for this. To do this you have to find your target audience by getting an audience of the right age group, right gender and an audience that is actually going to be interested in this product.

What is the impact of new technology on audiences?
Technology has advanced a huge amount over the past few years and this has had an enormous impact on audiences. For example, films are a lot easier and cheaper to make now which means cinemas are able to improve the viewing of the films for the audiences and make them more exciting (4D effects used in some countries cinemas now). Also, people are now able to advertise their films and products in a much more exciting way by using flashing billboards and having their films and products being advertised on television programmes in the background as well which makes this more intreuging for the audience.

Quantitive Audience Research-
BARB- Many households are chosen to be on the barb panel to then represent an overall average of house in the uk. Once chosen on the barb panel, the media will set up to sets with a metre into each of the homes then each person in the house (over the age of four) have to press a button on the remote to indicate they have entered the room when the tv is on and then press it again when they leave the room to indicate they they are no longer watching the tv. There is an audio matching process as well which helps them tone able to know what programs people are watching.

RAJAR- Rajar uses the method of basically using a continous diary survey which takes a measurement of 100,00 adults (children aged 15+) listening time a year. The diary takes a quarter hour of one weeks listening, drawn from a representative sample of each radio station and the nation as a whole.

Qualitative Audience Research-
Focus Group- A focus group is a group of people giving their views, opinions and beliefs on a product. These people will be in a situation where they are able to talk to other group members.

Questionnaires- Questionnaires are usually a piece of paper with different questions about the product on it and will be given to people through the post or in the streets etc. and they will answer the questions in their own opinion.

Face-to-face interviews- Face-to-face interviews are where the owner of the product will usually ask the people questions from their own questions and will get the people to answer them.

Social Classes:
Social class is important when promoting a product because you will want the right class for your product.
AB- Higher class, high occupations and professional occupations.
C1- Supervisory and junior occupations.
C2- Skilled manual occupations.
DE- Semi skilled and unskilled occupations, unemployed and lowest grade occupations.