Friday 27 November 2015


This edit of Voldemort form harry potter really caught my eye. Although, it's just a drawing of his face the other side, it could possibly mean that he has two sides to him, that the other side is empty and lost as the drawing is not very detailed.

I also like this idea because it shows two different styles of pictures.  If i was to use this for the devil wears Prada, I would draw marble streets face to show her emptiness but i would only draw the last 2cm of her face (roughly) to show how strong she is by having the real picture as most her face.

The target audience for this poster would be females/males aged between 10 and 28. this would be because the audience for harry potter itself is anything from children to adults, however Voldemort is a dark character and was made to be hated by the viewers of harry potter so this would manly be aimed at adults the fact there is a drawn image as well as a picture image would also be a reason that this image is targeted for children as well as adults, the drawn image is not to complicated and will stand out for the younger generation.

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